Once upon a time in a village there lived four friends named Neeraj, Veeru, Mohit and Ramu. Once they were invited to attend a marriage in a distant village. They decided to attend the marriage and travel together.
On the day of the marriage started their journey early in the morning, so that they could cross the jungle before darkness falls.
While they were crossing the jungle cautiously, they could not enjoy its beauty because they were afraid of the wild animals. That’s why; they wanted to cross the jungle speedily.
By noon, they had crossed more than half the way. All of a sudden, Neeraj asked Veeru, Mohit and Ramu to stop and said, "There may be danger ahead as the area is known for its tigers. Let us check for the tigers first, then we will proceed further." They all looked here and there. At this moment, Ramu saw the tail of a tiger behind the bushes. He trembled with fear and cried, "There is a tiger behind the bushes! Now, what do we do? How can we save our lives?" Neeraj said, "Do not be afraid of the tiger. Have faith in God. We should pray to God. He will protect us."
Veeru climbed up a tree and said to his friends, "Do not waste time in talking. Quickly, climb up a tree. God will help only those who help themselves. Be quick. Save yourself." So Neeraj, Mohit and Ramu rushed to a nearby tree and climbed up. They all waited for the tiger to go. When the tiger went away, they descended from the tree. Thus, they crossed the jungle safely and reached the village to attend the marriage party.